Volunteer: organising your content

If all your volunteer content fits on this one page, keep it readable by breaking up the text using headers, quotes and images, for example. If you have a number of opportunities, you could create a listing page to display a separate post for each one.

When it comes to signing up, you could create a form on the platform to collect volunteers’ details quickly and easily. Including downloadable PDFs on this page is also simple, but make sure website visitors know what they’ll be downloading.

Content tips

<blockquote>Volunteer testimonials are a brilliant way to encourage and inspire others (you could use the ‘blockquote’ style).</blockquote>

Use friendly, open, active language to make visitors feel welcome and try to pre-empt any uncertainties they might have. Explain both the benefits for the volunteer and the impact on beneficiaries.

Be as precise as you can to make it clear who can volunteer and what it involves, eg:

  • Even if you only have an hour a month, there’ll be a way you can help
  • Volunteers in our community centre need to be at least 16 years old
  • We’ll give you basic safeguarding training (it takes two hours) before starting

Make the next step bold and easy using a call-to-action (CTA) button. You might even want one near the top, too, if you think some supporters will visit this page ready to sign up.

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